Home > upload


Upload is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A simple FTP application in Python

upload.py (Give me a better name!)

Run upload.py in the directory to be uploaded. Use the -v option for verbose output, and the -f option to only upload files (skipping directories). Use the -c option to specify time or size comparison (i.e. upload.py -c size)

A valid .netrc will have to exist in ~/.netrc

upload.py now only supports Windows through Cygwin.

Files in this repository (in alphabetical order): .gitignore: Ignores ~ (Emacs backup files) and .pyc (compiled Python) Makefile: For Unix systems, just a few shortcuts for running the code. make: Run the upload.py script with verbose on make test: Run the unit tests make profile: Run the unit tests through cProfile README: This file ftplib.patch: Unfortunately, this script makes use of the Python3.1 ftp library, which has a bug in the ascii upload section. This patch fixes that bug. run.bat: The Windows Batch file that means that the command-disinclined can run the script in verbose mode without leaving the mouse for a second testdir/: A directory of files for test-uploading testing.py: A place to try out new things, without breaking anything existing upload.py: The main script uploadsettings.py: Settings for the script uploadtests.py: The unit tests
