Home > TDP003


TDP003 is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Awesome as hell!


This project is made by Pelle Matsson and Sebastian Törngren.

This project includes these files: README doc/ user_manual.doc web/ static/ images/ big_1.jpg big_2.jpg big_3.jpg big_4.jpg small_1.jpg small_2.jpg small_3.jpg small_4.jpg img/ back.png bg.png cat.gif jesus.png logga.png style.css templates/ index.html list.html no_result.html page_not_found.html project.html result.html start.html techniques.html awesome.log awesome.py data.csv data.py data.pyc

The project uses Python, HTML, CSS, Flask and Jinja2. To be able to use the project on your Ubuntu system you need to install Python and Flask. You do that by opening the Terminal and type in: sudo apt-get install Python2.7 and sudo apt-get install python-flask

To test the website you need to go to the web-catalog in the Terminal, then type: python awesome.py Then open your web browser and go to the address:

Congratulations! You have now your own website!