Home > skyquad-maps


Skyquad-maps is a project mainly written in JAVA and RUBY, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Plan your flight routes for your SkyQuad quadrotor on your Android device.

Skyquad Maps

Plan your flight routes for your SkyQuad quadrotor on your Android smartphone.


Android SDK with target platform google api version 8 (also known as android 2.2)

Eclipse with ADT Plugin (optional) - my current IDE and development enviroment


Here is my workflow with for eclipse:

  • install the requirements

  • import the project into eclipse (File -> Import -> File System)

  • import the test project in the root directory as an seperate project

  • hit the build button

I tried maven, but it seems overkill for me.


The programm is currently under heavy development and not in a useable state. Wait a month if you want to use it or help me get it working.
