Home > SMGitHubAPI


SMGitHubAPI is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.

iOS Library for fetching data from GitHub


This is very much work in progress - some functionality is implemented:

- Authenticating
- Fetching your repositories
- Fetching extra data about your repositories
    - Watchers
    - Collaborators
    - Contributors
    - Network (Forks)
    - Branches
    - Commits

As data is fetched, it is stored in CoreData for quick access later.

You can choose to fetch all data for a repo with -addAllDataToRepository:, or you can get individual parts using other methods (have a look in the header).


- Handle rate limiting
- Download individual commit data (including diffs)
- Handle threading properly - right now everything is done on the main thread
- Lots more