Home > SocketLabs


SocketLabs is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

A tool that uses socketlabs API to retrieve information about emails and their sent status.

This is a project to retrieve email status information using the SocketLabs API.

For examples from SocketLabs themselves, refer to their github repo: https://github.com/socketlabs/

To install this website and start importing your own SocketLabs reports: Download and save the socketlabs_scraper.make file $ wget https://raw.github.com/cayala09/SocketLabs/master/socketlabs_scraper.make

Use drush to download Drupal and necessary modules
    $ drush make socketlabs_scraper.make /path/to/install/drupal

Upon beginning the Drupal installation, choose the profile "SocketLabs Email Tracker"
Complete the installation as normal, and the feature will automatically be installed and active

Set up for the feeds: Upon installation, tabs will appear at the top of the home page. Each of these tabs refers to different feeds, or different API calls. You can click on a tab, click import, and enter the URL required for the API call. The format for the URL should be something like: https://username:[email protected]/... You can refer to https://www.socketlabs.com/od/api for the API reference.

Currently the importing/expiring of nodes requires a few changes to the Feeds module. These changes are all minor, mostly they consist of adding an option to import/expire every 5 minutes. The changes needed are as follows:

Changes to Feeds module:

In FeedsImporter.inc (includes folder) Line 93 changed to: $job[‘period’]=$this->processor->expiryTime(); Line 242 changed expire_period to 300 Line 279 added 300 to array

In FeedsNodeProcessor.inc (plugins folder) Line 152 added 300 to array

The crontab is used, in this case, to make cron run every 6 minutes. When cron runs, nodes will be deleted if they have expired and import new nodes if it is time. Crontab Configuration:

cd to /sites/all/modules crontab -e add following line: /6 * wget -O - -q http://yoursitename:8080/cron.php

If this does not work due to permissions (check recent log messages to confirm), go to the status report and look for the url for updating cron externally. This will have a long token to append after the cron.php portion of the url used to authenticate your cron job.
