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Sopha is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

A PHP 5.2+ CouchDB client library

Sopha - A PHP 5.x Interface to CouchDb ver. 0.1 (c) 2008 Shahar Evron, [email protected] 2008-07-15

Important Note

This version of Sopha is a development version, and is not thuroughly tested. It is not recommended to use this version of Sopha in production. You have been warned!


Sopha is free software distributed under the terms of the New BSD License. See LICENSE or http://prematureoptimization.org/sopha/license/new-bsd for licensing information.

System Requirements

  • Sopha requires PHP 5.2.0 and up in order to run - the latest stable version of PHP 5.2.x is recommended. PHP 5.3.x is likely to work as well.

  • While Sopha should work on any system capable of runnign PHP, it is currently only tested on Linux and Mac OS X. Users of other operating systems should report any bugs if encountered.

  • Sopha does not require any non-standard PHP extension or INI setting in order work. If you encounter any issues, please report it along with the output of phpinfo() from your system.

  • You obviously need a CouchDb server installed in order to use Sopha. It doesn't do much except for connecting to CouchDb ;)


Since Sopha is fully implemented in PHP, there is not much installation needed.

Assuming you downloaded Sopha, simply add the Sopha library/ directory to your PHP include_path and restart your server (if you use a web server).

You can also copy the entire library/Sopha directory as is into your include path (sometimes at /usr/share/php or /usr/include/php).

Once this is done you simply need to include or require Sopha into your scripts, or just use autoload instead.


Detailed documentation is not yet available. Read the source code for now :)


Sopha is a mere interface to CouchDb - a phenomenal piece of free software. Credit goes to the main contibutors of CouchDb - namely Damien Katz, Jan Lenhardt, Christopher Lenz and Noah Slater - as well as many others.

The CouchDb project is an Apache Foundation project, and can be found at http://couchdb.apache.org/

Some of the code in Sopha, namely the part handling JSON encoding and decoding, was adapted from Zend Framework - a high-quality framework for PHP 5.x led by Zend Technologies. See http://framework.zend.com for more information about ZF.
