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Workspaces is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, it's free.

li the workspace manager

li is a script for managing sets of interesting files in codebases.

A workspace is defined in a text file in which the first line is a path. The rest of the file is free-form plain text, but any filenames relative to the first path can be followed by making use of vim's "gf" shortcut.

li can list your available workspaces, or it can open one. Opening a workspace means creating a new tmux session with a vim session editing the workspace file. From there new terminals can be spawned through tmux, and any file in the workspace can be accessed easily through vim.


Invoking li by itself will list the workspaces it knows about. A * next to a workspace indicates that the workspace is already open (ie: there is a tmux session for it already).

% li
> 1: refactor-something
> 2: add-update-name-rpc
> 3: li-the-workspace-manager
% li 2
<opens the workspace 'add-update-name-rpc'>

The nw shortcut can be used to create a new workspace with a set of files already in it.

% cd my-project
% nw my-project src/*.py
% li
> 1: my-project