Home > SOXMonitor


SOXMonitor is a project mainly written in PERL and SHELL, based on the View license.

Monitor and report tool of applications changes, for SOX compliance

SOX Monitor Script para monitoreo SOX de aplicaciones

Developed by Carlos Patlan <patlan(at)hp.com> Felix Santillan <feliz.santillam(at)hp.com> Andres Aquino <aquino(at)hp.com>

Source Code [GitHub] http://andresaquino.github.com/(pending) [GoggleCode] http://(pending).googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ [Bugtracker] http://github.com/andresaquino/(pending)/issues

Proposito Ejecutar este script para verificar la firma de los componentes desplegados en cada WAS (Web Application Server), generar un reporte para que pueda ser exportado a un doc en excel para cumplir con los requerimientos de SOX

Esquema . ├── bin # aplicacion │   └── myApplication.sh ├── conf # configuracion (log4j,rc) │   ├── log4j.properties │   ├── private.key │   └── setEnvironment.rc ├── logs # log de ejecucion │   └── *.log ├── manual # manuales │   ├── myApplication.1 │   └── myApplication.pod ├── LICENSE ├── README └── ROADMAP

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