Home > Spanghurt


Spanghurt is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Spanghurt is the codename v5 of what was formerly the Neobux 2+ script for Neobux.. The script aims to plugin extra bits of info into Neobux to make your life easier when you're managing referrals or analysing your account.. Once this is a b



Installation should be pretty easy - just navigate to the spanghurt.user.js file and click the [Raw] link.

NOTE: If you do not have Greasemonkey 0.9 or higher installed, you will need to temporarily disable Greasemonkey when you click the filename as it will attempt to install the webpage rather than the "Raw" script.

When you first run the script, you should be presented with the initial installation message and a few questions - answering these now will mean that you do not need to view a large number of pages and wait for the script to detect everything automatically.