Home > spellcheck.vim


Spellcheck.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

spell checker for vim

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=131

This script enables spell checking capabilities known from text processors:

SpellCheck: highlights all misspelled words Propose: checks word under cursor - giving proposals for correcting AddToDictionary: adds word under cursor to dictionary SpchkNxt: jumps to next error SpchkPrv: jumps to previous error SetLanguageTag: which language to use (uk_UK | de_DE ...) SpellAutoEnable: enables automatic higlighting of misspelled words (this is done via CursorHold) SpellAutoDisable: disables automatic check

problems: -syntax highlighting does not work correctly in every syntax-mode solution: set syntax=off and then do the spellcheck -to add a word to the list of known words, the skript has to know which private dictionary aspell is using (something like $HOME/.aspell.xxx.pws where xxx depends on the language tag) the current relation is: uk_UK|us_US -> english (.aspell.english.pws) de_DE -> de (.aspell.de.pws) to add entries or change existing ones, there is a little adjustment table.
