Home > Sphinx-at-Craigslist


Sphinx-at-Craigslist is a project mainly written in C++ and SHELL, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

the sphinx search engine with occasional patches in use at craigslist

Sphinx at Craigslist

This is a mirror of the public read-only Sphinx code repository, merged with whatever patches and changes we may be using at Craigslist.

You're free to use this code tree, but there's really no warranty or support. It's mainly here so that people interested in our changes (mostly the Sphinx developers, I expect) can see what we're doing.


This a list of the changes committed so far:

  • prefork config enables you to specify how many pre-fork searchd processes to start (this functionality was reomved a while back for some reason)


Jeremy Zawodny


Personal: [email protected]

Work: [email protected]
