Home > spork-assert


Spork-assert is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Use spork with the assert testing framework


Enables you to run your assert tests with spork.

This gem is an adaptation of spork-testunit to work with the assert testing framework.


gem install spork-assert


Run spork in one console.

spork assert

In another console, use sporktest to run your tests. You can use assert's rake test task names to run only a subset of your tests.

sporktest # run all tests
sporktest test:unit # run only unit tests
sporktest test:functional:your_controller # run a single test

Note: There is no need to use bundle exec when running the sporktest command. It is completely unnecessary and adds additional wait time before your tests are run.

Configuring rails applications to work with spork-assert

Add spork-assert to your Gemfile.

gem 'spork-assert', :require => false

Set up spork and assert in your test/test_helper.rb file.

require 'spork'

Spork.prefork do
  ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
  require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
  require 'assert'
  require 'assert-rails/test_help'

You will probably also need some Spork.trap_method Jujitsu
