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Noodle is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Uses bundler to pull in .NET dependencies.

= noodle

Use bundler to pull in .NET dependencies.

== Example usage

Create a gemfile like this:

source :rubygems gem 'structuremap'

Create a rakefile like this:

require 'noodle' Noodle::Rake::NoodleTask.new

Then run

bundle install rake noodle

Your project will now have a lib directory with structuremap's dll in it. Add a reference to said DLL in your .NET project.

== Example without rakefile

Or, if you don't want to use a Rakefile, try this:

bundle install noodle

== See also

See {Noodle::Rake::NoodleTask} for information on how to configure it.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Matt Burke. See LICENSE for details.
