Home > spreedly-php


Spreedly-php is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Spreedly PHP API Implementation

Spreedly PHP API Luke Ehresman - http://luke.ehresman.org

This set of classes provides a convenienet wrapper around the Spreedly API (http://spreedly.com). Instead of dealing with HTTP directly with CURL, you can use these objects to handle everything for you. Some examples are provided, but for some really good examples, check out the unit tests.

  • Consulting services are available to help *
  • integrate this with your site or project: *
  • http://www.tebros.com *

Report any issues in GitHub: http://github.com/lehresman/spreedly-php/issues


Luke Ehresman - http://luke.ehresman.org Beau West - http://beaudesigns.net Christoffer Lejdborg - http://www.lejdborg.se thejohnny


php (version 5.2 for SpreedlySubscriber::update functionality) mod_curl mod_ssl


Simply copy class.spreedly.inc into your include path on your web server and include it in your PHP scripts.

EXAMPLE #1 - Creating a subscriber with a free trial

Spreedly::configure($my_site_name, $my_site_token); $sub = SpreedlySubscriber::create(78, "[email protected]", "testUser"); $sub->activate_free_trial($trial_plan_id);

EXAMPLE #2 - Getting a user and comping a month

Spreedly::configure($my_site_name, $my_site_token); $sub = SpreedlySubscriber::find(78); $sub->comp(1, "months", "full");


For more examples, see the unit tests in the test directory.
