Home > spring-3.1-profiles-xml


Spring-3.1-profiles-xml is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Sample demonstrating use of Spring 3.1's 'bean definition profiles' feature with <beans> XML

For those familiar with Git:

git clone [email protected]:cbeams/spring-3.1-profiles-xml.git

Or if you prefer using Subversion:

svn co http://svn.github.com/cbeams/spring-3.1-profiles-xml.git spring-3.1-profiles-xml.git

Once checked out, you can build from the command line using either Gradle or Maven. If you're new to Gradle, don't worry -- there's nothing for you to install. Simply use the 'gradlew' (or 'gradlew.bat' on windows) script within the root directory of the project:

>$ ./gradlew build

And the following will give you a list of all available tasks:

>$ ./gradlew tasks

If necessary, this 'Gradle wrapper' script will download a distribution of Gradle for you.

Generate project metadata appropriate to your IDE with

>$ ./gradlew eclipse
    - or -
>$ ./gradlew idea

If you prefer Maven, you can simply type:

>$ mvn test

If you're using an IDE that supports Maven-based projects, you can import the project directly from its POM. Otherwise, generate IDE metadata with

>$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
    - or -
>$ mvn idea:idea