Home > spring_helloworld_maven


Spring_helloworld_maven is a project mainly written in JAVA and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

spring_helloworld template

How to import this project to eclipse

  1. First you need to have maven installed already in your PC
  2. open you console and in this root project (under spring_helloword_maven folder where pom.xml is located), execute mvn eclipse:eclipse
  3. Open your eclipse
  4. Click File--> Import--> Project-->General and select Existing Project into workspace
  5. Select Root folder where spring_helloword_maven is located

Development Guide

  1. Follow Java naming convention for Class Name
  2. New Domain should extends BaseEntity to let you have standard PK
  3. New Service by extends GenericDaoHibernate and GenericDao. By this way, developer can have basic dao for CRUD
  4. Define error message, label in message.properties
  5. Point 2 and 3 to make any developer focus on his business process

Running the application

  1. Change file configuration.properties for database username/password
  2. Create Database schema by execute helloworld.sql
  3. No open your console, goto spring_helloword_maven folder where pom.xml is located
  4. execute mvn jetty:run
  5. point your browser http://localhost:9957/hello

You will create example test Data Sources:

a. CSV file.

b. Database.

c. API call / Java Bean.

Target Format: The generated files can be stored in a directory / sub directory or in the database as a BLOB (configurable). Here are some:

a. Pdf.

b. CSV

c. XML (if possible).