Home > spritecutter-web


Spritecutter-web is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

cut sprite sheets into discrete images and publish vectors

Dependencies OpenCV

On ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libcv1 libcvaux libcvhighgui

building cgi binary: In the spritecutter-web/cgi-bin/spritecutter/ folder, run make. It should compile cleanly provided that the dependencies are intact.

testing cgi binary: cd spritecutter-web/cgi-bin/ ./spritecutter -o -p

If it runs correctly, you should see the specified directory with the cut sprite, 
and xml vector file. 

creating server:

  1. Configure the server - usually this involves creating a virtual host

    Lighttpd config example:
    $HTTP["host"] == "spritecutterdev.com"  {
        server.document-root = "/var/www/spritecutter-web/htdocs/"
        server.server-root = "/var/www/spritecutter-web/"
    Apache example:
    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName kjb.homeunix.com
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/spritecutter-web/htdocs"
        RewriteEngine on
        <Directory "/">
            Options MultiViews -Indexes FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
  2. If testing locally, add line to /etc/hosts file (usually necessary if using vhost): e.g. #### spritecutterdev.com

  3. modify permissions to reflect current server config. Apache or lighttpd usually run under user "http". e.g. chmod -R 755 spritecutter-web/

  4. the spritecutter-web/htdocs/uploads/ directory needs to be read and written by the php and the server. Usually user "http" e.g. chown http:http spritecutter-web/htdocs/uploads/

After the server is started, the program should now be set up to cut mad sprites