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Squeeze is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

node.js library to interact with UploadJuicer.com's cloud image manipulation service


Squeeze is a library to access the UploadJuicer API from node.js.

It supports both push URL notifications or a polling mechanism to notify your application when an image operation is done.

Example usage:

var squeeze = require('squeeze');

squeeze.API_KEY = 'Your key';
var s = new squeeze.Squeeze('Image URL');
s.output('size', '100x100>')
 .poll(function(err, data) {
     // data is parsed JSON reply
     console.log("Transformed image is at " + data.outputs[0].url);


  • Supports one operation per image.
  • Supports poll based notification of jobs.


You will need an UploadJuicer API key to use Squeeze.

Installation and Usage

Simply include the library in your application and require() it or use npm.

For usage please see API.md and the examples -- example/polling.js.
