Home > statsd-middleware


Statsd-middleware is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Simple middlware to track page hits to Statsd/Graphite



Simple middleware to log hits to StatsD and Graphite


I needed this to also see which servers were serving, so I require https://github.com/efficiency20/ops_middleware


For a typical rails setup

1. Set up statsd/graphite


2. Install StatsD client

I packaged jnunemaker's branch of reinh's statsd gem (from https://github.com/reinh/statsd && https://github.com/jnunemaker/statsd/tree/mine). Just install that until reinh pulls jnunemaker's version and puts it out there

gem install jamster-statsd # 

3. Install/Setup e20/ops_middleware


4. Copy statsd_middleware.rb to your /apps/middleware directory

Uh, you can figure this out I'm sure

5. Setup statsd client

I put this above the Initializer (Rails::Initializer.run do |config|) in environment.rb. This may not be the best spot, but I did have a reason for putting it there, but now I can't remember. You can try it in an initializer also, I suppose.

require 'statsd'
$statsd = Statsd.new('graphite.YOURHOST.com', 8125)

6. Add the middleware to your application


config.middleware.insert 1, "StatsdMiddleware", $statsd


Jason Amster

Thanks to Eric Kastner for Statsd
Thanks to Bryan Helmkamp for ops_middleware
Thanks to John Nunemaker for his post: http://railstips.org/blog/archives/2011/03/21/hi-my-name-is-john/
