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Telegraph is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Telegraph brings the beauty of Rails programming to the VoIP world. It reshapes the mess of the Asterisk API into MVC cleanliness allowing the rapid development of Rails based voice and web applications.

This is a clone of http://telegraph.rubyforge.org/ with the intention of updating for Rails 3 and continuing development.

Information about the poorly name, RAI (Rails Asterisk Integrator) to go here.

The basic idea: integrate functionality of RAGI and RAMI while making asterisk be on par with rhtml or rjs as a possible "display". Also, integrating calls started from a web session with that session's data.

So, what's here: Currently the functional part is modifications and addition to RAGI. In summary

script/asterisk_server - starts a rails AGI server without starting any web server. controllers/routing - use rails controllers and native routing so that logic that applies to both a web interface and voice interface does not have to be repeated render_asterisk - function that gives access to CallConnection object from controllers cc.link_to_dtmf - function that allows numbers inputed into keypad to corrospond to links to other functions params - agi params as well as params introduced in link_to_dtmf passed into params hash in controller


Sessions RAMI: Rami implementation not working yet so not included. Big idea is you can do call origination from RAMI. If you do call origination from a web session and then pass that call back to AGI, the web session and agi session are linked.

This Example: This is the simon game, taken from the RAGI package and re-factored into a ActionController. It also includes a web-based version of the game.

For agi version: from shell, start script/asterisk_server have asterisk call agi://agi_server_name/games/simon obviously the simon sound files need to be in placed as outlined in the RAGI simon readme

For web version from shell, start script/server in browser go to, http://server_name/games/simon
