Home > stockrt.github.com


Stockrt.github.com is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and SHELL, it's free.

Rogério Schneider - Weekend codes


Author: Rogério Carvalho Schneider [email protected]

URL: http://stockrt.github.com


These are the core files I use for my blog hosted on GitHub.

Since they do not provide any dynamic content generation engine (like wordpress or any other php/ruby/python blog) I need to generate my blog statically, so I use jekyll and my templates to do it.

You can find my blog/site templates here: http://github.com/stockrt/stockrt.github.com/tree/master/site

To build your own, do the following: gem source -a http://gems.github.com gem source -a http://gems.rubyforge.org gem install mojombo-jekyll

cd /tmp
git clone git://github.com/stockrt/stockrt.github.com.git
mkdir mysite
mv stockrt.github.com/site mysite/
cd mysite/site

./new_post.sh "A new post"
vi _posts/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")-a-new-post.markdown

# You may have some difficulty with other dependencies for jekyll, just
# install them as you will be asked for.
# See this for more help: http://wiki.github.com/mojombo/jekyll/install

All you need to do is to make new posts using "./new_post.sh" and to configure this set of templates with your own data in the file "_config.yml", and then build you site with: "./build.sh".

For more helpful documentation on how to build your site, see: http://github.com/vilcans/scribbish-jekyll http://quotedprintable.com/pages/scribbish http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll http://wiki.github.com/mojombo/jekyll http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax http://redcloth.org/textile http://www.textism.com/tools/textile http://www.yaml.org http://www.liquidmarkup.org

Jekyll: gem install mojombo-jekyll
