Home > stream-seq


Stream-seq is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

Stream-oriented programming with sequences


Stream-oriented programming with sequences

What is this?

This is a library to make it easier to program applications doing blocking I/O using clojure sequences. Its primary usage is in conjunction with sockets.

Alright, so what does it look like?

Imagine that you have two threads: a producer and a consumer. One way of letting them communicate is to use java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue directly using Clojure's interop features. Another way would be to wrap that into something that looks more Clojurian:

(use '[se.raek.stream-seq :only [pipe put! close! take!]])
(def p (pipe))
(def end (Object.))

;; Producer thread
  (doseq [item (range 10)]
    (put! p item))
  (close! p))

;; Consumer thread
  (loop [item (take! p end)]
    (when-not (= item end)
      (println item)
      (recur (take! p end)))))

The consumer code uses manual iteration. Wouldn't it be nice to to do this in a more sequential manner? Exposing input as lazy sequences is one of the central ideas behind stream-seq. The source-seq function returns a lazy sequence that takes items from the source until it is closed:

(use '[se.raek.stream-seq :only [source-seq]])

;; Consumer thread - sequence version
  (doseq [item (source-seq p)]
    (println item)))


See http://raek.github.com/stream-seq/


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EPL v.10
