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Stringify_stuff is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A Rails plugin for converting values to and from strings


StringifyStuff adds virtual attributes to your models to simplify interactions with certain datatypes. There are currently three parts:


Converts from date/time values to strings and back.


Converts from decimal to money and back.


Converts a decimal value to a percentage string


class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  stringify_money :cost
  stringify_time :end_date
  stringify_percentage :margin

  validate :money_strings_invalid?, :time_strings_invalid?,

This gives you a number of useful methods:

  • cost_string #The cost as a formatted money string
  • cost_string= #A setter that takes a cost string
  • end_date_string #The end_date as a formatted date string
  • end_date_string= #A setter that takes a range of formatted date strings.
  • margin_string #The margin as a percentage string (no setter for percentages)
  • money_strings_invalid? #Validation method for methods passed to stringify_money
  • time_strings_invalid? #Validation method for methods passed to stringify_time


Currently, string formats for dates and money are hard-coded, but hopefully one day I'll make them so they're configurable without delving inside the plugin.

StringifyStuff was inspired by Ryan Bates' Railscast on Making a Plugin.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nick Morgan, released under the MIT license