Home > StringTemplate-Mojo


StringTemplate-Mojo is a project mainly written in Scala, based on the View license.

A Maven Mojo to call String Template to generate source code before compilation

Scalajutsu's String Template Mojo

This is a Maven mojo that executes in the generate and/or generate-sources phase, it process StringTemplate files using parameters passed by hand or from a Database query.

It was created to cover the need of generating Scala code but it should be possible to use it for other purposes.

Building and Installing

For the moment you need to clone this project and build it locally.

mvn clean install

Simple configuration

A minimal configuration can pass the parameters for the StringTemplate directly, each parameter tag results in a template application.


Database based configuration

It s possible to execute the templates against the results of a JDBC query


Adding the generated files as sources

If having the generated files available for compilation is required then add the build helper plugin


And possible add the goal add-source to your compiler plugin


Sample Templates

You can use any valid StringTemplate with this mojo, for example from the following templates:

Header template

package uk.ac.liv.oforero.currency

import uk.ac.liv.oforero.coretypes.{GenericValueCompanion}

Body template

 * Generated code for Currency: $Name$

class $Iso$(value: BigDecimal) extends Currency[$Iso$](value, $Name$Info)

object $Iso$ extends CurrencyCompanion[$Iso$]{
  protected def newBuilder(myVal: BigDecimal) = new $Iso$(myVal)

  class PimpWith$Name$(value: BigDecimal) {
    def $Iso$ = new $Iso$(value)

  implicit def numeric2$Iso$[V <% BigDecimal](value: V) = new PimpWith$Name$(value)

The following code is generated when passing the appropriate parameters:

package uk.ac.liv.oforero.currency

import uk.ac.liv.oforero.coretypes.{GenericValueCompanion}
 * Generated code for Currency: Pound

class GBP(value: BigDecimal) extends Currency[GBP](value, PoundInfo)

object GBP extends CurrencyCompanion[GBP]{
  protected def newBuilder(myVal: BigDecimal) = new GBP(myVal)

  class PimpWithPound(value: BigDecimal) {
    def GBP = new GBP(value)

  implicit def numeric2GBP[V <% BigDecimal](value: V) = new PimpWithPound(value)
 * Generated code for Currency: Dollar

class USD(value: BigDecimal) extends Currency[USD](value, DollarInfo)

object USD extends CurrencyCompanion[USD]{
  protected def newBuilder(myVal: BigDecimal) = new USD(myVal)

  class PimpWithDollar(value: BigDecimal) {
    def USD = new USD(value)

  implicit def numeric2USD[V <% BigDecimal](value: V) = new PimpWithDollar(value)
 * Generated code for Currency: Euro

class EUR(value: BigDecimal) extends Currency[EUR](value, EuroInfo)

object EUR extends CurrencyCompanion[EUR]{
  protected def newBuilder(myVal: BigDecimal) = new EUR(myVal)

  class PimpWithEuro(value: BigDecimal) {
    def EUR = new EUR(value)

  implicit def numeric2EUR[V <% BigDecimal](value: V) = new PimpWithEuro(value)