Home > Sublime-Text-Remote-Editing


Sublime-Text-Remote-Editing is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Plugin for Sublime Text 2 that allows remote editing of files

This plugin allows Sublime Text 2 to open and save remote files.


This plugin relies on the pscp application being on the system path. It can be downloaded from: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html The plugin WILL NOT WORK if this is not installed and on the system path.

To test if pscp is on the system path, open a command prompt and type 'pscp'. If you see a bunch of text scroll by, the application is properly installed. If you get an error message about the command not being recognized, then pscp is not on the system path. You can change the system path or copy pscp to the folder \Windows\System32.

Before this plugin can be used, it is also necessary to configure the plugin to work with the relevant server.

This is done by editing the 4 fields in the config.txt file. Change the username, password, and host field as necessary. You should be able to leave the port value as 22, unless the server listens for SSH connection on an alternate port. If you don't know what that means, leave it as 22.

Anytime you wish to use a different server, you must change these settings, since this is how Sublime Text 2 will connect to the server.


The plugin provides two commands, an open and a save command. There is a keymap file that will allow these commands to be executed with 'ctrl+shift+alt+s' and 'ctrl+shift+alt+o' for saving and opening, respectively.

The first step to using this functionality is to open a file. When you execute the command for remote open, you will be prompted for a filepath on the server you configured, such as /home/me/myfile.txt. Sublime Text 2 will then open this file in a new buffer.

When you are done editing, make the remote file the active buffer, save the file normally and then execute the remote save command. Note that if you do not use both save and remote save (in that order) your changes will not be uploaded to the remote server properly.


There is a folder called 'temp' in the plugin directory. This is where the plugin temporarily stores files that are being remotely accessed. This allows the plugin to work quickly. Whenever you change servers, delete every file in this directory. Then, create an empty text file named path.txt. You MUST recreate path.txt, as this helps the plugin keep track of what remote files are open and where to put them.