Home > summart


Summart is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

AI final project

CS485 Final AI project Member: Kevin Cheung Lee Trager

Usage: In order to run this program you have to install Python. python summart.py

  1. URL, 2. plain text: 2

Enter the filename: samples/gulf.txt Enter number of population: 20


Crossovers: We use a standard markov chain algorithm to generate our population of summary.

Fitness function: The fitness function use word counts to determine the score of each article. Since duplicated words are not good for a summary, if a word appear a second time in the summary, the score won't increase. For example, Tom has a nice car. The car is black. Tom loves the car.

score board car: 3 Tom: 2 black: 1

Sample summary: Tom has a black car. score = 2 + 1 + 3 = 6

some words are black listed. e.g. is, has, a...