Home > SumoTourney


SumoTourney is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Sumobot Tournament System

Sumobot Tournament System

This is a ruby on rails system, that may or may not be used. This is just some code used to experiment with rails with the goal of having a system you can register with as a contender and sign up your bots to compete. During the event it would show a bracketing system as well as scores, etc.

Well that's the goal anyhow. We'll see how far we get

Installation Instructions

Get rails, etc. This project is rails 3.0 so read instructions on that. Example for Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails You may want to install RVM if you want multiple version so rails installed

Change into the SumoTourney directory and type:

bundle update

(Note: you will need libmysqlclient-dev to build mysql2)

Copy config/database.yml-example to config/database.yml

Edit the file and create an account in your SQL server that matches. You can use sqlite3 for testing as well. Once you have the datbase setup (with the yml file) then you need to initialize it

rake db:migrate (or rake db:migrate:reset if you munge the db)

Then start the server

rails server

You should be able to access it via localhost:3000

Adding an Admin

You need to use the Rails console to add an admin. After you create your first contender (which would be an contender id of 1) Assuming this you type:

$ rails c :001> Role.new(:contender_id => 1, :name => 'admin').save

After you login as an admin you will have an 'Admin' link in your login bar to start matches and tournaments
