Home > svncommand-tng


Svncommand-tng is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Subversion (svn) Integration Plugin, the next generation (tng)

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1633

This is an update to Adam Lazur's svncommand script, vimscript #922, which was itself based on the cvscommand script (now vcscommand), vimscript #90.

Keywords: svn SVN svncommand subversion Subversion

Basically I pulled a newer version of cvscommand (1.76) that had a lot of nice updates that I wanted to use with Subversion and did what Adam did, which is lots of 's/CVS/SVN/'. Then hacked on it till it worked like it was supposed to. I also pulled in Adams SVNCommitDiff function for displaying a diff for a svn-commit.* file.

Finally, I added a few features of my very own:

  • Option to enable automatic execution of SVNCommitDiff when a svn-commit.* file is loaded.
  • A simple property editor. SVNPropedit with no options runs "svn proplist" to give you a listing of all the set properties. If given an argument, it grabs the property of that name and gives you a window to update the value in.

The vcscommand script has just been updated to support Subversion (8-10-06), but so far there is not a property editor or CommitDiff function.

Shoot me an email if you find my additions useful!
