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Syntax-on is a project mainly written in RUBY and SHELL, based on the MIT, GPL-3.0 licenses found.

vim-based syntax highlighting library, command line tool, and paste-bin website source

== syntax-on

Syntax-on is a library for highlighting source by automating vim

It also has a command line interface and a paste-bin style website http://syntax-on.org

== Gem Usage

require 'syntax-on'

example specifying syntax

puts SyntaxOn.new("class Dog; end", :syntax => :ruby).to_html

example using a modeline

puts SyntaxOn.new("class Dog; end\n# vim:set ft=ruby:").to_html

== Command Line Usage

$ syntax-on highlight my-ruby-file.rb

$ syntax-on highlight --syntax ruby --code "some code to highlight as ruby"

$ syntax-on highlight --code -s ruby < some-ruby-file-from-STDIN

$ syntax-on highlight --preview will-preview-in-firefox.rb

$ syntax-on help highlight # for more help information

== License

Syntax-on is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License

