Home > SyntaxHighlighter-Progress-OpenEdge-ABL-Brush


SyntaxHighlighter-Progress-OpenEdge-ABL-Brush is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, based on the LGPL-3.0 license.

Adds code syntax highlighting for the Progress OpenEdge ABL language to Alex Gorbachev's (JavaScript) SyntaxHighlighter. Also included is a Wordpress plugin that adds support using the existing SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin by Viper007Bon

Progress/ABL/OpenEdge SyntaxHighlighter

What is this?

This is a brush for Alex Gorbachev's SyntaxHighlighter, which is a small JavaScript library for general purpose code syntax highlighting. This brush adds support for the Progress/ABL/OpenEdge programming language (currently, version 10.2A). Also included is a plugin for the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin by Viper007Bond for integrating syntax highlighting directly into Wordpress.

Why use this?

Use this brush if you want to highlight Progress/ABL/OpenEdge code on your website or blog.

How to use it

  • For use directly in HTML using the JavaScript SyntaxHighlighter by Alex G., just copy shBrushABL.js into the scripts directory of SyntaxHighlighters main directory. Then, simply follow the pattern of the example.html file to get the highlighting working (you will basically just wrap your code in <pre></pre> tags).
  • For Wordpress use, first install the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin and activate it. Then, copy shBrushABL.js and SyntaxHighlighterEvolved-ABLBrushHook.php into your wp-content/plugins/ directory. The SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: Progress/ABL/OpenEdge Brush plugin will now be available within Wordpress Admin, and you can activate it. To share ABL code directly within your Wordpress posts, simply wrap your code in [progress][/progress] or [abl][/abl] or [openedge][/openedge] tags. Alternatively, you can use [code language="abl"][/code] style tags.


  • The JavaScript was minified using Google's Closure Compiler.
  • Nested comments do not always work correctly, do to an inherent weakness of regular expressions. There could be workarounds created to handle up to n levels of comment nesting, but this works fine for my needs as-is. I would welcome a patch for this feature!


Progress/ABL/OpenEdge SyntaxHighlighter is released under the LGPLv3 license.