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Sgt is a project mainly written in Java, based on the View license.

An exploration of Scientific Graphics Toolkit for application to real time data display in constrained environments

Welcome to SGT!

Origin Home


 The Scientific Graphics Toolkit (SGT) for highly interactive,
 flexible, and publication quality graphics of scientific data

     Features include: user settable or automatically scaled
     axes; sophisticated, automatically self-scaling time
     axes; labels as movable, customizable objects; automatic
     generation of legends to explain the data being
     displayed; and more.

Dev Branch



 Reorganizing into a minimized form for evaluation and
 application purposes

 Reviewing performance qualities for demanding real time data


     Once per second update of thousands of domain elements (X for
 multiple Y) with plenty of CPU remaining for network I/O,
 data management, and user interaction in a normal user
 desktop application.

 Road Map

     Would be nice to have AWT (this existing), JOGL and Android
     backends under a common API.  If possible, something like
     this would be the place to do it.