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T3ME is a project mainly written in C# and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A "Twitter Trending Topic Mashup Engine" written in ASP.NET MVC

T3ME - Twitter Trending Topic Mashup Engine

See this application running live at http://tweeverbs.com

In open-source ASP.NET MVC application. Pulls down Tweets for a particular trending topic or hashtag, such as #proverbs or #chucknorrisfacts and allows voting and aggregating data (most popular tweeter, most votes etc.). Allows multiple applications for different hashtags, all running in the same web app, with different designs/layouts etc.

Technologies used: ASP.NET MVC 2.0, .NET 4.0, NHibernate 3.0, Castle Windsor, SQL Server database, AutoMapper, Twitterizer, NUnit.

Warning: this application is still at a very early stage, the code base isn't brilliant, there's not much unit testing, and I've taken onm a bit of 'technical debt'. Over time I hope to improve it
