Home > TabIndent


TabIndent is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Overload the <Tab> key to either insert a tab, or indent the current line

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=299

The TabIndent plugin allows you use the key in Insert mode to indent the current line, as well as retain its usual task of inserting a real character. TabIndent exhibits a bit of intelligence by making sure that the current line is only indented if you're editing source code, by checking the 'cindent' and 'indentexpr' options. Editing text files will never cause the key to perform indentation.

You can also change the behaviour of when indentation is performed; some people prefer to always perform indentation, and others may want to indent only if the cursor is at the start of the line. TabIndent is designed to make every user work the way they want to.
