Home > tabsfm


Tabsfm is a project mainly written in CLOJURE and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Guitar Tabs + Last.fm + Clojure + Compojure + Google AppEngine + HTML5/CSS3/jQuery


lein clean lein deps lein compile

Interactive local development:

lein swank & emacs

M-x swank-clojure-project M-x slime-connect

C-x C-f src/tabsfm.clj C-c C-k

C-x C-f src/local_dev.clj C-c C-k

Now, in the REPL, Type "," then "i", then "tabsfm" to enter the namespace. Then, (start-server (var app))

And open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Google AppEngine Deploy appengine/bin/appcfg.sh update war
