Home > tabula-rasa


Tabula-rasa is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and JAVA, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

A Play! framework module for adding customisable tables to views, backed by the DataTables jQuery plugin

h1. Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa provides support for user-customisable tables, allowing each user to have a custom view of any table in your application. Client-side support is provided using the excellent "DataTables":http://www.datatables.net jQuery plugin.

h2. Server-side table definitions

Tables can be defined on the server side, and customised by users so they have their own individual view of a table in the client. Customisations for moment are position and visibility.

h2. Table cell values calculated by the controller

You have the option to pass your target option and a column key to the controller to obtain the rendered value.

h2. AJAX support for DataTables

A model and renderer are provided to make rendering JSON data to DataTables simple.
