Home > tac_train


Tac_train is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

General SW Training

Read this First. Howdy, Here are some exercises that give an intro to some tasks you might see. Each example is listed under its own number. Number0 is the first (though I have not checked it in) Number0 consists of an introduction to GIT. Number0 consists of:

  1. check out a read-only version of this repo by doing: git clone git://github.com/derwood/tac_train.git
  2. Create your own account on github. Follow the instructions.
  3. remove the .git directory in the tac_train tree you pulled.
  4. Create your own tac_train repo on your github account.
  5. commit and push (some git keywords) the tac_train tree you pulled from Derwood's account to your account/repo.
  6. Then edit this README by placing a good joke (or a bad one) at the bottom and commit and push it into your repo.
  7. Next step, look at number1 in your git repo.

Thanks, Derwood
