Home > TasteKid-API-Python-Client


TasteKid-API-Python-Client is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Python library for the TasteKid API. Use the entire API with 3 lines of code.

TasteKid.com is a cool idea where people add their likes and dislikes and the system applies this to a suggestion system.

Built for you is a Python lib to make it super easy for you to use this within your project. With 3 lines of code - you have enough to work with.

from tastekid.api import Similar s = Similar() r = s.query('The Matrix') r.movies r.music r.authors r.shows r.books m = r.movies[0].similar() m.movies

... etc

One result

m = r.movies[0] #could be "Minority Report" m.name #Minority Support m.type #movie m.teaser #...some description m.wikipedia #wikipedia url m.youtube.id #youtube video id m.youtube.title #youtube video title m.youtube.url #url to youtube page
