Home > template-springmvc-jqgrid


Template-springmvc-jqgrid is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and JAVA, based on the LGPL-3.0 license.

jqGrid Java Demo. How to use jqGrid javascript library in Spring MVC

jqGrid Java Demo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solutions for representing and manipulating tabular data on the web. jqGrid uses a jQuery Java Script Library and is written as plugin for that package. (http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php)

This project is a demonstration how you can use jqGrid in Spring MVC framework.


To build you will need: JDK 1.6

To build from Spring Tool Suite:
    - File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects->Browse
    - choose the project
    - press Finish
    - select project
    - Run As -> Maven package


    - Run As->Run on Server
    - Choose Tomcat v7.0 Server