Home > Tephsija


Tephsija is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Yet another experimental lightweight php framework

Tephsija is really free software and doesn't have a licence associated with it, you can mess with it as you wish. If you make some cool changes be sure to share them.

Tephsija (taP-Hsee-yAh) is a minimalist php framework

  • Deploying tephsija for use:

    1. Customize directory name in .htaccess
    2. Customize app_path in Config_Bootstrap
    3. Customize defaults in Config_Bootstrap
    4. Customize Core_Error layouts before you deploy
    5. Enter db data in Config_Db if you are using Db_Table
  • Developing tephsija: 0. If you aren't using emacs, try it :)

    1. Use unix style line nedings
    2. Save files as UTF-8 without BOM
    3. Use Zend Frameworks coding style
    4. 1 Tab indention equals 4 spaces
    5. Practice literary programming, write not for the machine but for other loving human beings
    6. Use your brain and respect the others