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Testing-ajax-example is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Example of testing autocomplete ajax without a browser

An Example of how to test AJAX (without the "J") calls using Cucumber and Webrat without a browser.

To try it out

  • Ensure you have cucumber and its required gems installed (http://wiki.github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/ruby-on-rails has a complete explanation).
    gem install rspec rspec-rails cucumber webrat gem install term-ansicolor treetop diff-lcs nokogiri builder
  • Run the features rake db:migrate rake features

To use in your project you'll need to copy features/step_definitions/autocomplete_steps.rb and features/support/autocomplete_steps_helper.rb.

I've written a description this technique at http://www.alexrothenberg.com/2009/05/testing-ajax-without-browser-with.html
