Home > testng-interface


Testng-interface is a project mainly written in JAVA and SCALA, based on the BSD-2-Clause license.

An SBT test-interface for TestNG

An implementation of sbt's test interface http://github.com/harrah/test-interface for TestNG. This allows you to TestNG http://www.testng.org/ tests from sbt.

This code is a fairly simple/rough edit of junit-interface http://github.com/szeiger/junit-interface.

Some prelimiary use instructions (via jukkapi):

  1. build testng-interface sources with sbt and copy the resulting jar to lib directory of your project

  2. add the following to your project configuration:

def extraFramework = new TestFramework("testng_interface.TestNGFramework") override def testFrameworks: Seq[TestFramework] = super.testFrameworks ++ Seq(extraFramework)

  1. set build.scala.version to 2.8.x, didn't work using 2.7.x