Home > textutil.vim


Textutil.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Vim plugin for editing rtf,rtfd,doc,wordml files.

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1432

Usage: When you open rtf, rtfd, doc or wordml file with Vim, editing file format is automatically converted to plain text. And when you write file, file format is automatically converted to rtf, rtfd, doc or wordml file format.

Configuration: When this script convert rtf, rtfd, doc or wordml file to plain text with textutil command, this script use "g:textutil_txt_encoding" encoding. Default value of "g:textutil_txt_encoding" is 'utf-8'. You want to change text encoding, set "g:textutil_txt_encoding" in your $HOME/.vimrc file. for example,

    :let g:textutil_txt_encoding='Shift_JIS'

Note: This script is based on 'textutil' command. So this script will only run on MacOS 10.4 or later.
