Home > The-Vim-Gardener


The-Vim-Gardener is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Dark and colorful forrest khaki theme works with 256 color xterms

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1348

'For code surgeons and web gardeners everywhere'

A nice earthy color scheme which is easy on the eyes. It has as it's base a dark background monocrhomatic khaki scheme with dabs of color thrown in here and there on the keywords. It's gives you the feeling of looking at the sun through the afternoon spring leaves, but all at night time :)

Plus lots of extra config options so you can tweak it to your liking and or make it more like the original Guardian scheme. All the defaults are what I like but if you want to change stuff just set the right var and it will change pretty much immediately, you might have to move out of and back into your buffer for it to refresh.

New Features: 256 Color XTerm Compatibility Richer Syntax Black Background Functions No Italics Purple Booleans Swapped Status Line Colors Green like a garden Other minor tweaks

Screenshot: http://entheon.com/vim-gardener.gif
