Home > TheStarsBeyond


TheStarsBeyond is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A mod for Transcendence

README.txt is the main readme file. Because I said so. README should be a renamed clone of README.txt

This is all just interim stuff btw.

Installation: place all the files in your ../trans##/extentions/TSB/ directory download TSB_Resources.zip from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3061400/TSB_resources.zip and extract the contents to ../trans##/extensions/TSB/resources

Using git: Alterecco and TTech are the pro's at it. You can find them on #transcendence on freenode.net's irc. Don't ask me lol X3

Liscense and stuff: <temporary! Will have a much nicer looking on later> TSB_Resources.zip and all contents and all fluff text, names of factions and characters, locations, persons, other non-code stuff, is all CC-by-nc-nd unless otherwise specified, which is to say that they can't be used for anything but TSB or mods for TSB unless permission is gotten from me (Wolfy/Azar_Wolf/Avan)

Graphical and story assets created by me derived from george's work are CC-by-nc-sa (the same liscense he used)

Teraton ship graphics and the praetorian graphics are (C) Aeonic

United Weapons and Armor ships, Hauri ships, and the 4th gen CSC are (C) Atarlost

I'll be getting a complete listing of all this stuff down the line - I'm doing it right now off the top of my head. Contact me if I missed you or some of your files.
