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Dj is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A delimited JSON format.

= Dsv

A delimiter-separated values library for ruby.

== Description

Dsv provides support for an expanded delimiter-separated values format that supports basic data types, including arrays and hashes. The expanded syntax is intended to translate to and from JSON cleanly.

== Usage

Use like most serialization libraries:

require 'dsv'

obj = {'key' => 'value'} str = Dsv.dump(obj) # => '{key:value}' Dsv.load(str) # => {'key' => 'value'}

The syntax is delimiter-separated values, with additional support for basic types: nil, bool, numbers, strings, arrays, hashes.

simple = ['a', 'b', 'c'] simple.to_dsv

=> '[a,b,c]'

complex = { 'nul' => nil, 'bol' => true, 'num' => 1, 'str' => 'string', 'ary' => ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'hsh' => {'key' => 'value'} }


=> '{nul:nil,bol:true,num:1,str:string,ary:[a,b,c],hsh:{key:value}}'

Types are differentiated from strings based on the first character in the value. Hash keys are always interpreted as strings for compatibility with JSON.

Dsv.load '[1,1,{key:value},{key:value}]'

=> [1, '1', {'key' => 'value'}, '{key:value}']

== Installation

Dsv is available as a gem through {Gemcutter}[http://rubygems.org/gems/dsv].

% gem install dsv

== Info

Copyright (c) 2010, Simon Chiang License:: {MIT-Style}[link:files/MIT-LICENSE.html]
