Home > ThinLila


ThinLila is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A thin instances starter in bundled environments

ThinLila is a quick starter of thin server instances inside a bundler environment.

Create a config dir somewhere to hold yaml files using the following syntax :

  name: one          # optional
  address:   # mandatory
  port: 3000         # mandatory
  socket: nil        # optionnal
  chdir: /Users/mcansky/Code/arbousier3/arbousierR   # mandatory
  env: development   # mandatory
  daemonize: true    # optionnal (default : false)
  duser: mcansky     # optionnal
  dgroup: users      # optionnal
  log: /Users/mcansky/Code/arbousier3/arbousierR/log/thin.log  # mandatory
  pid: /Users/mcansky/tmp/thin_one.pid     # mandatory
  servers: 3         # optionnal (default : 5)

Then use the script using the following syntax :

    Usage: thin_lila.rb [options]
    -c, --config DIR       The dir where the yml config files are stored.
      -h, --help             Display this screen.
      -t, --test             Display the commands that are going to be run
      -D, --debug            Set debug on.
          --start            Start the servers
          --stop             Stop the servers
          --restart          Restart the servers

This program is released under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).
