Home > tokenizer


Tokenizer is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

string tokenization in clojure



Tokenize a string.


(ns your-namespace (:require tokenizer.core))

Public Functions

(tokenize s split-keep split-ditch) Scans a string s and returns a vector of tokens in string as specified by split-keep and split-ditch. split-keep specifies delimeters on which the string should be split, keeping the delimeter as the first character in the next token. split-ditch specifies delimeters on which the string should be split, throwing away the delimeter. split-keep and split-ditch can be functions which take a char and return true (split) or false (don't split) or strings of which each character is a delimeter. Characters are compared first to be disregarded. Keep this in mind if split-keep and split-ditch are not mutually exclusive.

!!!split-keep and split-ditch should be of the same type!!! This may be changed at some future date, but you have been warned.


user=>(tokenize "my cat,is!cool" "!," " ") ["my" "cat" "," "is" "!" "cool"]


lein install


Copyright (C) 2010 tllake

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
