Home > thoughtful_rover


Thoughtful_rover is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

TW Rover



Prepared for ThoughtWorks by Tobin Harris


[email protected]


MissionControl is where things kick off.

  • It takes a program_text from it's operators
  • It then parses that using the Parser
  • It then takes the resultant syntax tree (a hash) and creates appropriate rovers
  • It tells the rovers to deploy, which makes them run their commands (sequences of L,R or M)
  • That's it!

Assumptions For Tobins Rover

  • The text entered into a program follows a strict grammar. The parser is intolerant to violations of that grammar.
  • Rovers are fire and forget. Once you drop them on the surface, they won't be re-programmed.
  • Rovers die if they go out of bounds. The don't "bounce" off the bounds or intelligently re-orient themselves.
  • Rovers operate in serial and don't get in each others way, so no need to worry about collision detection.


Eh hem. Ruby is a second language for me compared to .NET. I'm still learning the idioms, so excuse any unnecessary long-handedness.