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Apple is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Async Web Framework

The What

Apple is my attempt at a micro web framework with async support. The goal of this project is to facilitate the creation of robust high performance async web services. The current state is very alpha, using eventlet as the async http server and bottle as a starting for point for the web framework.

The Why

All Frameworks that support vanilla WSGI do not support async communication with the client. At a minimum a web service framework should be able to 'yield' data as it is made available (For service composition and large data transfers). (TODO: Maybe an example of why WSGI are not adequate)

The How

The Short term Goal of apple is to provide

  • WebSockets Support @route('/websocket') @websocket def websocket( websocket ): socket.write( "Wait for it - " ) result = socket.read() socket.write( "Hello World, I Got '%s'" % result )

  • Full Async Support @route('/echo') @async def echo( socket ): result = socket.read() socket.write( "Got %s" % result )

  • Generator style yields of data @route('/helloworld') def helloworld(): yield "Wait for it - " time.sleep(2) yield "Hello World, Async with Yield"

  • Functional Testing framework class AppleTests( TestBase ): def testAsyncCall(self): response = self.request( method='GET', path='/helloworld', params={} ) self.assertEquals( response.body, "Wait for it - Hello World, Async with Yield" )

The Long term goals are

  • WADL Generation

  • Human Readable Documentation Generation for REST interfaces

  • Decorator sytle provider support ( like JAX-RS )

        class Hello(object):
            message = "Hello World"
        def helloworld():
            # Returns <Hello><message>Hello World</message></Hello>
            return Hello()
        GET http://thrawn01.org/helloworld
  • Maybe routing at the class level

        @route( '/rest' )
        class Rest(object):
            def helloworld():
                return "Hello World"
        GET http://thrawn01.org/rest/helloworld