Home > ThumbScanner


ThumbScanner is a project mainly written in Perl, based on the View license.

WDTV Perl based movie sheet generator

Author: John Timon Contact: [email protected]

What is it?

I wrote this script to automate the generation of moviesheets and thumbnails. It can be put into cron and run on a daily basis.

It is designed to generate moviesheets and thumbnails according the Thumbgen and TVixe Template Files.

Currently supported Movie Collectors are the default which is themoviedb.org, as well as tgmd file, moviemeter.nl and IMDB. IMDB is used to augment any required attributes that are not provided by the above Collectors. The Collector interface has been made pretty generic, so adding other movie Collectors sites should be pretty straightforward.




See LICENSE file.


Usage: Thumbscanner [options] -h --help print this usage and exit -r --recurse recursively scan subdirectories, default is no -d --debug print debugging information values < CRIT | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG > -f --file use a specific config file, default is engine.conf -o --overwrite overwrite existing moviesheets and thumbnails -i --interactive prompt user to identify movie when there are multiple hits -t --tgmd prefer the use of tgmd file if found -c --cache by default Thumbscanner caches all info it receives, use this to not use cached info for sheet generation -n --nfo generate a .nfo file

Example: Thumbscanner -r -d INFO -o

This will recurse subdirectories and overwrite existing moviesheets and thumbnails as well as printing debugging information at level INFO.


The file engine.conf is the default configuration file. It contains directives used for generating your moviesheets. These are the following

TEMPLATE -- This is the path to the Template.xml file to use. It can be either relative or fully qualified. If you use a relative path, you need to ensure that you always run Thumbscanner from the correct directory. COLLECTOR -- This is the internet provider that will be used to get fanart and Movie information for your Movies. Valid values are, DEFAULT and moviemeter. More can be added as needed. MOVIEPARENTFOLDER -- This is the root of your movie directory.
LOGFILE -- this is where Thumbscanner logs everything it does, default is /var/tmp/thumbscanner.log


  • Perl with the following modules

strict Cwd Getopt::Long Image::Magick XML::TokeParser Data::Dumper File::Basename File::Finder Math::Trig XML::Bare LWP::UserAgent HTML::Entities IO::Prompt IMDB::Film XML::RPC

Most of these are Core Modules, however you will need to install

Image::Magick XML::TokeParser File::Finder XML::Bare LWP::UserAgent HTML::Entities IO::Prompt IMDB::Film XML::RPC

  • Template files. It is built against Dribblers Templates.


Sadly Linux hasn't fully matured with respect to fonts and font availablility. Some twiddling needs to be done to ensure that windows fonts are available for use by the rendering engine and ImageMagick in general.

Many fonts can be found at http://www.fontonic.com/list_fonts.asp

TODO: write a script to install the ms fonts and add them to imagemagick.....
